Monday, March 23, 2015

A Cut Above the Rest

We spotted this 48 sheet earlier and it stood out for 2 primary reasons .........

1) It is a perfect example of how to use a 48 sheet poster to great effect; strong brand visual and use of logo with a clear, simple and impactful headline.

2) It was directly opposite a barber's .... Let's hope this is a strategically placed campaign, with posters planned to tactically target men before or during getting a (hair) cut.



PC said...

I saw some research that said you had on average 2.6 seconds to get your OOH message across… I think this is cracking creative as it took me one second to get it, which leaves the other 1.6 to raise the 'chalice' to the lips!

Imran520 said...

Good work and you should keep it continue.

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