Friday, May 13, 2016

"Where's your Kleenex when you need it?"

You may have noticed a sudden increase in the amount of sniffing going on - whether on a tightly packed train carriage, sat in the office or maybe in the cinema - Hayfever season is back, and lots of noses have started running.

Noticed how whenever you find a scrunched up tissue deep in your pockets but you never seem to need it? But when that moment strikes and you desperately need to blow your nose, the nearest tissue feels a mile away (perhaps a quite dive into the nearest coffee shop is the best solution.)

Apart from sniffing; others have long turned to Kleenex to wipe away tears. Previously the brand  ran a campaign that featured people coming to the rescue of friends in emotional distress. The tagline: "Let it out," - was utilised and the increasingly recognisable figure of Tom Hardy was seen crying in one TV ad...

In the future, remember to act responsibly and use a Kleenex.


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