Thursday, February 19, 2015

The Year of Digital...?

The common assumption is that things happen first in America and then make the cross-Atlantic trek to Europe and then to the rest of the wider world. 

Jeans, fast food, music, melting pots....with their entrepreneurial history and subsequent corporate might - embodied by behemoths such as Apple, Facebook, Twitter and Amazon - we are constantly being told through all sorts of media how advanced and 'ahead' the US is. 

It would surely follow that they are at the forefront of the digital revolution that has been consuming marketing for decades, but seemingly this is not the case; Europe - and especially the UK - has been edging further and further in front... 

Well, with the news yesterday showing that in 2015 the UK will be the first major advertising market where digital will account for more than half of all spend, the argument seems to have been settled. 

Western Europe spend on digital accounts for approx 33% while US ad spend is weighted towards TV, with digital only representing slightly more than a quarter of the total.

Although the infamous "Year of Mobile", which has been coming since the late '90s/ early 00's, is yet to fully arrive, what seems certain is that this is the Year of Digital in the UK....

When you consider that these figures don't take into account things such as digital outdoor, digital TV, etc, there are clearly more of them to come!

# PurePoint

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