Friday, September 19, 2014

MADE for the Occasion

Thunder wasn’t the only thing keeping us awake in London last night. 

As the votes were counted, we were kept in suspense; would Scotland break their 307-year-old union with England? At Pure, we were all wondering how this would affect marketing campaigns: so, much to our delight MADE.COM took a comical spin on the referendum first thing this morning.

Ensconced on the 8.03 bus towards Waterloo, I was lulled into the monotony of my conventional commute; you know, sat next to the token guy who forgot to wash, behind the girl doing her make-up. 

Having not yet checked the results of the Scottish referendum, I received the following email from MADE.COM, titled “NEWS: MADE.COM opens in Scotland”.

Sure enough I was compelled to open it – I mean, who needs a call-to-action headline when you've just dropped the S-Bomb?

The email contained a £10 off code 'AUCHAYE', a casual mention of their recent launch in the Netherlands, and some 'patriotic inspiration', in the form of blue, Saltire-themed products.

…”Oops! Please ignore our last email.‏” 

Within seconds I received a second email, filled with Union Jack emblazoned products, pretending to have 'accidentally hit send' on an email they had prepared for the ‘YES’ vote.

With the eyes and ears of Britain eagerly awaiting the results, MADE.COM truly optimized their marketing - both message and timing - and took the opportunity to intrigue, engage and amuse their customers, while celebrating the Union with a £10 off code titled, 'GREATBRITAIN'.


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