Friday, December 19, 2014

Favourite Festive Tunes and 2014 in a Nutshell - Happy Christmas From Pure

At Pure HQ we’ve been having that classic agency conversation; pulling together a list of the ultimate top-5 Christmas songs among our reflections of a rollercoaster 2014. The song list is still work-in-progress and is somewhat debateable, but the rollercoaster was awesome - fact! One of those built for speed where your face keeps whacking against the sides of those safety bar things, but at the same time you’ve got a massive smile on your face and really dry teeth…

Anyway, our mash-up of favourite festive tunes and reflection of a fantastic year transcribes to something like this:

5 – East 17  Stay Another Day. Those jackets, legendary!

The rebrand; our old logo wasn’t to stay in 2014. Don’t know if you had noticed but we kicked the “safe grey” and co-boring-balt blue and decided to funk things up:

Old Pure Logo                                                                     New Pure Logo

Much better.

The rebrand went beyond just logo colours, though. A full-rebranding-shebanging (new website coming soon). Business cards, presentation deck templates – you name it!

Because we love media, and we want you all to know that.

                4 – Mariah Carey – All I want for Christmas. Don’t know how this made it into the top 5? Suppose you have to keep some people in the office happy.

Pure has expanded (again) in 2014. Both in size and stature and as a result so has the workforce. More desks, more bodies, more brains, the family grows. So, welcome aboard to our new recruits! 

And they all fit in so well.

Apart from Brett. Genuinely, none of us can work him out.

…and Johnny. Why is he always smiling? Weird…

 And then there’s Paul. Well, “you know”.

3 – Slade – It’s Christmas. That famous note makes it…IT’S CHRIIIIISTMAAAASS!

This reflection is a weird one. A look back followed by a projection. One that makes your eyes narrow with thought and then widen with excitement.

The key principals of planning and buying media remain the same. Always have done, always will do. But we’re caught up in this huge tipping point of programmatic and digital and algorithms and optimisation which makes everything freaking exciting. Programmatic digital spend went from 25% to 56% within a few months. How can we look back at the year without thinking forward?

There are massive industry changes afoot, and we love being a part of that, and the concept of getting truly stuck in going forward. Watch this space, because it’s watching you (in a dynamic, behavioural and contextual sense).

2 – Wizzard – I Wish it Could Be Christmas Everyday. Beards in the snow, the perfect combo.

Teamspirit (our sister agency) and Pure constructed and introduced core business values this year. They go like this:

Social / Curious / Open / Responsible / Expert / Entrepreneurial

They completely sum us lot up. To have them all written down in mantra format has given us all a fantastically unified identity to be proud of. Plus, really cool posters.

1 – The Pogues – Fairytale of New York. Everybody’s favourite.

Exciting new clients on the roster; client retention along with new businesses, you could say, the *snowball effect?

Anyway, new clients means new audiences means new media techniques. No two media schedules are the same. Like…*snowflakes? This excites us and this year we’ve had the chance to work with some absolute multi-media, multi-dimensional and even thermochromic (?) clangers.

 As we continue to proudly achieve fantastic results across the board, Pure along with our happy-smiley-clienty faces can’t wait to see what 2015 brings. Especially in such a dynamic and ever-changing industry.

*never apologise for a Christmas pun.

There you have it guys! The rollercoaster in a nutshell.

Here’s to a bright 2015 for all and no doubt we’ll catch up in the new year.

Lots of love.

Pure Media.


 Always here and never forgotten. To Uncle Luc!

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