Data has just been released reporting the UK's 100 Top Web sites (Jan 2011)
A study into how the profile of the web’s most-visited sites have changed in the UK since 2004 has been conducted .... and an interesting observation is that 7 brands have all retained their Top 10 status.
The seven brands are - MSN, Microsoft, Google, Yahoo, BBC, eBay and Amazon - who have since been joined by social-media stars YouTube, Wikipedia and Facebook.
Google only reached top spot for the first time in 2006, but has remained at the head of the table each year since, now attracting more than 35 million unique UK visitors every month.
Back in 2004, Microsoft’s MSN dominated the table, although it had less than half Google’s current number of monthly visitors (17 million). Today, a site with this level of users would barely make the Top 10, such has been the growth in online traffic.
Names such as Freeserve, Lycos, Demon and Kelkoo, which once appeared among the web’s elite, have now been replaced in the Top 50 by brands such as Facebook, Twitter, Sky and John Lewis.
click here for top 100 UK site info and further story